Selasa, 12 September 2017


EWS-Pro is the only professional grade portable lightning detection and early warning device available today. In a rugged self-contained case, it has the electronic sophistication to detect lightning strikes over 40 miles away, and to accurately track a storm's approach with both its audible horn and its large LED visual alerts.

The LED alerts are in four ranges, providing vital information when the storm is moving towards, away or parallel to your position. The audible horn is set by the user to any strike range to make storm tracking easier. Not only does the EWS-PRO allow for an informed decision on when to evacuate and area, but it also indicates when it's safe to resume outdoor activities.

EWS-PRO Features :

Accurate digital microprocessor with patented dual antenna receiving system
Built in 12 volt rechargable power source, operating for 7+ days on a single charge
Loud 95db alert horn, with an adjustable range setting
Rugged weather-resistant case
Low battery indicator
Severe thunderstorm alert that warns of large storm cell approaching
Flase signal filtering feature to warn against any possible location interference
Accurate identification software that eliminates alerts to harmless cloud-to-cloud activity

EWS-PRO Applications :

Construction Sites
Mining/drilling sites
Golf course work crews
Airport/airline ground crews
Outdoor events, e.g. sailing regattas, concerts
Military training sites
Professional/university/school training faculities
Outdoor parks & recreation programs

About Us

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Indoshoping siap berkompetisi dengan competitor lain baik dalam hal pelayanan, keamanan dan ketepatan produk. Dan kami akan selalu belajar untuk menambah wawasan sesuai bidang yang kami tekuni sehingga tercipta team kerja yang solid, handal dan bertanggung jawab. Disini Untuk lebis lanjut.

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ALAMAT KAMI: Jl.Jeruk Purut No.52 Rt.003 Rw.03, Kelurahan Cilandak Timur Kec.Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan. Kode Pos : 12560 Senin - Sabtu | 08.00 - 17.00 WIB
(021) 49722859
Hotline /WA : 082139170211 (Tlp)

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