Selasa, 12 September 2017



The SkyScan lightning detector is the newest high technology weather monitoring product available anywhere in the world. It is a hand-held instrument with an electronic system to detect the presence of lightning/thunderstorm activity occurring within 40 miles of your location. It uses patented technology (Full digital microprocessor insuring accuracy and reliability) to determine the distance to the detected stroke. The distances are indicated in four ranges: 0-3 miles (0-5 km), 3-8 miles (5-13 km), 8-20 miles (13-32 km) and 20-40 miles (32-64 km).

Since SkyScan allows you to know the level of activity of the storm, it determines if it is moving towards, away or parallel to your position. Each time SkyScan detects a lightning stroke, it emits an audible warning tone (if this feature has been turned on by the user) and lights the Range Indicator column. The full column stays lit for approximately 3 seconds. This feature allows you to see the distance to the last, closest, detected stroke without waiting for SkyScan to detect a new stroke.

SkyScan Features:
Dimensions: 6"x3"x1" Weight apprx. 1lb.

Accuracy: State-of-the-art electronics and full digital microprocessor insures accuracy and reliability.

Power: SkyScan can be powered by:

(2) 9V batteries (not included) Detector will operate approximately 50 continuous hours with full use and approximately 70 continuous hours on battery save mode.
120V AC adaptor (optional)
220V AC adaptor(optional)
12V cigarette lighter adapter (optional)
Unit has AUTOMATIC SHUT-OFF after five hours of continuous operation for extended battery life.

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